February is for Power

Hi Beloved Readers,

Since I last wrote to you, we have been navigating a huge relocation from Bali to Thailand. I know that many of you are pretty invested in my journey and are staying up to date on what I am up to. So I’m sure that most of you know that I moved to Bali at the end of last year to step deeper into manifesting my purpose and to work with some collaborators. So what the heck happened and why are my partner and I now in Thailand?!

Without going into too much detail I will share that things simply were not aligned for us to continue on with that collaboration opportunity nor continue living in Bali. After I got my appendectomy in November a lot of clarity came through and we were constantly getting messages from our bodies, from the land, from other people and ultimately from Creator that this collaboration and Bali was not serving us in fully stepping into our purpose work or harnessing all the power and potential that we have. It certainly wasn’t easy to make such a dramatic pivot but holy moly the choice we had to make couldn’t be any clearer. We could feel deep in our bones that limitless expansion, opportunities, love and support were on the other side of this decision of choosing to be in full alignment with our heart, with our values, with our truth and standing for living into our fullest and most authentic selves.

We see now that Bali was always meant to be a stepping stone to Thailand. When we came to explore Thailand as a living potential in January I was reminded of how important my dream is of reconnecting with these lands, my heritage and my culture here. About five years ago I came to Thailand for the first time as an adult and knew that I should come back here for ancestral healing, to reconnect with my family here and to learn the language again (since it had been taken from me as a result of assimilation when I was only 4). Over time, I lost connection to the goal of creating a second home in Thailand but when I came back in January the floodgates to that vision and dream were opened up again. It’s also such a huge blessing to now have my life partner as a part of that dream and for her to be able to immerse herself in this part of my heritage too, we are connecting on new and deeper levels and I’m ecstatic to share in this culture with her.

So we went back to Bali in February, packed up our things, said our goodbyes to the land and the people we connected with while there and flew back to Thailand. We landed in Chiang Mai last night and this will be where we are settling for the foreseeable future. I’m really feeling into a new sense of groundedness that we will create here and how this will support me in focusing on serving my communities (in person and virtually) more consistently and more often. With that being said, I need to acknowledge that once again I am missing the mark this month on sharing with you about the virtual community and online world that Kyle and I are building. Turns out, I really needed more time than I thought to be present with our move from Bali to Thailand but I am recommitting to sharing with you in March! Im very excited about this and to create and share more with all my virtual communities which of course includes y’all in my email family:)

For now, I will leave you with a life lesson that has really been percolating a lot for me lately and that I have had the time to integrate more fully over the past couple months.

This is a lesson on power.

A question I have been inspired to ask myself since the end of last year and that I’m inviting you to ponder as well is; what would it look like for you to have so much self respect that people wouldn’t even think to fuck with you let alone actually fuck with you? What does being unfuckwithable actually look like for you?

For me, it means being more assertive with my voice especially when I am feeling challenged, especially when it means I may need to navigate conflict in order to stand up for myself and to take a stand for the more equitable, peaceful and conscious human collective that I envision. It also means knowing my worth and believing in my own thoughts, feelings, ideas without any shadow of a doubt that what I have to share is VALUABLE AS FUCK. It means stepping into my leadership and sharing my heart and my mind boldly with less hesitation, with more play and more compassion across all platforms and in my day to day interactions. It means to only ever collaborate with people who hold themselves to the same levels of integrity as I do. It means to say no to that which is out of alignment and to remove myself from situations as soon as they become misaligned. It means to never let myself be taken advantage of or manipulated ever again. It means doing my due diligence to call my fellow leaders to do better when I see harm being done. It means never dimming my light because others may misunderstand me or not see me for the powerful, worthy and invaluable spiritual being that I am.

Since this lesson came to my attention about 3 months ago and I took it on as something I wanted to learn and master, I have been tested many times already.

Almost as if Spirit is asking me, “How serious are you about taking on this lesson and mastering it this time around? How committed are you to breaking all your behavioral patterns that are disempowering you?”

And my answer was, “Dead fucking serious.

I’ve been called to stand up for myself amongst fellow leaders and colleagues, amongst friends and even amongst strangers at the gym who want to pick bro fights with me. Each time I heard the calling, it was as if time stopped and I saw two different routes to two alternate realities of what my future would be. Which route I chose would determine which reality I was creating to be the future I would end up in.

One reality looked bleak, having a hard time with money, having dissatisfying relationships, falling short on my goals, attaining only a small percentage of the impact I desire to have on this planet and ultimately feeling a lot of frustration, tension and helplessness in my body.

And the other reality was my full embodiment of the warrior, medicine person and leader archetypes, peaceful in my mind and body, full of trust and softness, a felt sense of safety and security while experiencing nothing but ease, love and respect as I serve more people, collaborate with other changemakers who inspire me, make more money, share wealth with more people and create more freedom in my lifestyle.

Spirit told me, “you get to choose right here and right now which reality you will be stepping into.”

So of course I chose the route towards the latter reality. I had the tough conversations, I asserted my voice, I exposed myself to potential conflict and ultimately I got to create who I desire to be and how I desire to live in the present moment. I got the chance to take my power back and integrate it in real time and that is a huge blessing.

And now I know how important it is to lead by example. One of my biggest desires is for all of you with the biggest and purest hearts, who aren’t afraid to ask the deeper questions and make more discoveries in the name of Truth, to reclaim the infinite and limitless power of who you really are and be the fullest embodiment of that power day in and day out. I desire this so that all of your hopes and your dreams become actualized because I know that you hold the visions that will elevate our collective human consciousness beyond what we could ever imagine.

So here I am planting some seeds that may blossom and fruit into that which supports you in aligning with your greatest power. What would it take for you to become unfuckwithable? What would it look like for you to have so much self respect that others wouldn’t ever ever EVER even consider fucking with you? What would you have to say and what decisions would you have to make to embody full self respect right here and right now? Are you willing to ask yourself these questions over and over again and answer them truthfully in your day to day? What kind of support do you need in order to act in alignment with the honest answers to these questions? Can you start building these systems of support for yourself now?

No more dimming your light. No more surrounding yourself with anyone who does anything other than celebrate you in your fullness, values your inherent worth and lifts you up to your full potential. No more playing small. The time we have here on Earth in this body and with our unique missions and contracts for this lifetime is short. There is no more time to waste by letting ourselves get fucked around, we have too much life to live, too much contributions to share, to much love to give to be giving our power over to anything that might take away from our ability to see this through.

May you have all the tools and resources you need to continue taking your power back, to step into your full power as soon as you’re ready and/or to maintain you being in your full power if you are already there.

Let me know if I can celebrate you in your power or if there is any way I can support you in reclaiming yours. I trust that this is a really important conversation to be having right now and I’m more than happy to chat with you!

In love and service always,


“You are half God

And half earth

Remind me again

Why you ever questioned your worth”

-Allie Michelle

Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

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