What's Happened Since Bali

Dear Reader,

It has been a while since my last message, and I must confess, I fell short of my monthly commitment – the last dispatch was in March, a lapse indeed! While I'm sure your world spun on without these cosmic letters, it is essential for me to align my words with my actions. I recognize the need for growth in maintaining this correspondence, and I'm wholeheartedly recommitting to it.

Let's dive in! Bali and Thailand were quite the whirlwind. I found myself navigating some of the darkest moments of the soul while abroad. These trials acted as a catalyst for profound introspection about my purpose on Earth. In addition to dodging a cult-like experience, I faced recurring bouts of illness in Asia over and over AND OVER again, it was banana balls to say the least. The final bout that resulted in a bedridden March, led me to a Dejablu podcast on YouTube. This first episode I stumbled upon felt entirely kismet and led me down the Zach Bush rabbit hole for a week (highly recommend checking this episode out).

Zach's insights stirred a revelation within me - the realization that I've been grappling with chronic illness throughout my life. Accepting this, and grappling with my father's stage four cancer, led me to FULLY acknowledge AND accept the intimate connection between human and planetary health.

This awareness is not foreign to me, given my extensive studies in Biology with an emphasis on Marine and Environmental Sciences. In fact, it led me away from academia, as I saw my research in marine sciences as potentially contributing to environmental degradation. Environmental concerns were over half the reason I embraced a vegetarian lifestyle over 13 years ago and later transitioned to a vegan diet over 7 years ago.

So, while my current passion for planetary and human health and my dedication to the regenerative farming movement might seem sudden, it's actually a natural progression for me. This realization also made me recognize that I'd kept these aspects of my life too close to my heart. I'd only let one side of myself be seen, almost like an undercover agent under the guise of a yoga teacher turned life coach, aiming to help humans heal and, in turn, treat the planet more kindly. Speaking out about topics like veganism and declining planetary health seemed too controversial and risky. If only I knew then what I know now! But here I am, the challenges in Bali clarifying my path a million times over!

You know what's funny? When I entered into a contract with those cult-like leaders, it was because I thought they could help me heal my relationship with Spirit and help me to speak my mind and heart with total conviction in all aspects of my life. Surprisingly, I got both of those things! It just happened in a very back asswards way, through facing off with some really scary situations and surviving the harm inflicted upon me and my peers during our "healing" process. This led me to retire any and all belief systems, patterns, and behaviors that were keeping me disempowered, small, and quiet.

So now, I'm fully prepared to advocate for our ailing planet and address the ways in which we collectively harm it and ourselves. I'm especially passionate about regenerative farming and rectifying our broken food systems. I believe this is about 80% responsible for our current state. AND that the same mindset that's tainted our food sources is fully 100% responsible for the exploitation of our planet and each other, leaving humans and the Earth in an ailing state.

This second revelation from Zach Bush was the recollection of my whole self and how to integrate all aspects of me into everything I do. He serves as a beautiful example of this, combining medicine, science, agriculture, and spiritual philosophy seamlessly. He's given representation for what it could look like for me as a fellow truth seeker to find unity across my various experiences in seemingly unrelated professional worlds: academia, marine biology, public health, LGBTQ and POC activism, yoga, coaching, and organic farming. And let's not forget my interests in sports, fitness, biohacking, cooking, DIY woodworking, photography, drawing, music, and so much more. Since my experiences in Asia, my mission has evolved to integrate all these facets of me into everything I do. I'm now prepared to boldly share what's on my mind and heart regarding these areas of life that crank my gears (in a good, life-giving, fiery way).

A more concrete mission that's crystallized is to forge a sanctuary for healing, interwoven with a flourishing regenerative farm. The momentum is palpable, with potential plots of land in California and promising investor interest. I'm absolutely thrilled about where I’m investing my attention and eagerly anticipating how these projects will come to fruition! Stoked to share the journey with you.

The final update is that Kyle and I are temporarily parting ways in our professional collaboration. Letters from Knowhere will continue to come solely from me. Our partnership remains strong, but we're taking a step back to focus on our individual missions before reuniting, each armed with newfound strengths for our joint endeavors. We believe this is the path to crafting something greater than we can currently imagine. What we'll achieve together in the future will far surpass our present capabilities, whether alone or in tandem.

Though it's been a while since my last dispatch from Knowhere, I've been in deep contemplation behind the scenes, brewing up new ideas and bringing them to life. Here is a brief overview of what I have created thus far that may allow our paths to intersect and bolster one another in our personal legends and life missions.

Phoenix Coaching

Crafted specifically to ignite and fortify significant life transitions. Given my own multifaceted journey as a trans individual, I consider this my specialty. For the first time, I'm offering individual coaching sessions, tailored to your unique needs, rather than committing to multi-month or year-long packages. Some of my most impactful sessions have stemmed from single or dual encounters. Additionally, I'm introducing a tiered pricing structure for the first time. Click here to explore more about this new service.

Alchemical Consults

Designed to accompany you on your journey toward vibrant well-being and the creation of a fulfilling lifestyle. For the first time, I've consolidated the wealth of knowledge and skills I've acquired over the years from various professions, passions, and hobbies. I'm eager to offer them to you in a tailored manner, precisely aligned with the specific projects you're undertaking. Explore the list of topics I cover and the guidance you can expect by clicking here.

Temple OMM

A virtual sanctuary for kindred souls, focuses on healing, growth, and planetary renewal. I’m so stoked to collaborate on this with my dear soul sister Sunny, a powerhouse in singing, songwriting and a guiding light in the realms of self-love, body image, and mindful food habits. We are gathering outlaws, magicians, and mystics to study the healing arts and masterful living. While we uphold ourselves to impeccable standards of healing and personal development practices we also prioritize play and enjoying the mysteries of the universe, plus the whole network is inspired by my love for the marvel cinematic universe;) Click here to explore free and paid offerings in Temple OMM.

As always if you choose not to explore any of these links that is quite alright and I’m happy to continue connecting and being of service how I can via these Letters from Knowhere. Also, I’d love to hear from you and discover what has been going on for you this year while I have been decompressing from the roller coaster of Asia. You’re always welcome to hit reply and share some deets with me!

In love and service,


P.S. You're being summoned for a new mission: The Guardian Resurgence Mission: Mastering Your Infinite Potential. Over the next four days, I'll share some key aspects of trauma-informed self-growth and healing. Together we will explore the meaning of “trauma-informed”, the significance of nervous system awareness in your personal and professional goals, the boundless purpose and zest for life offered by masterful living, how living within your zone of genius can skyrocket you in your personal mission, and the vital role of community in your healing and growth. This series serves as a reconnaissance to support you before stepping into the sacred training grounds of Temple OMM. Click here to enlist now.

Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

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