Emergency Surgery and Recovering Well

Hello My Dears,

As many of you know from social media, I had an emergency appendectomy last week! I wanted to start this off by letting you know that I am alive and well. The surgery went great and I will be back to my full work load here at Leucas Loves next week and back to my regular personal physical practices like surfing, working out and yoga in 3 weeks, yippeeee!

I really wanted to send you something so that I didn't leave you hanging. In my last email I said I would send you my TRANSform to Heal Series which you all should've gotten by now but also that I would share with you last week more details about a special community event that I am hosting for Transgender and Nonbinary Folx in December. Clearly life wanted me to take a sharp turn in another direction so that is why you didn't hear from me last week;) I will get that email out this week though and I do still plan on hosting the event on December 14th for US Time Zones. More details to come but if you're interested in reading more about it and would like to sign up now, you can do so here.

Thank you all for being with me. Thank you to all of you who already heard the news in one way or another and sent me your prayers and offers of support. It means the world to me to have all of you on my side. I want you all to know that Bali took fantastic care of me and I received top notch care at a public hospital in Denpasar, they were even supportive around my gender identity and made me feel safe around that and I was given a really nice hospital room with a living room attached and even a bed next to me for my partner, Kyle. Speaking of whom, was the most loving Angel I could've had by my side during this scary time. I wouldn't have been able to navigate that health scare without her and she met me with so much resourcefulness, love, strength, compassion and patience at every step of the way so that I didn't have to worry about how I was going to access surgery nor lift a finger during my entire recovery process. I couldn't imagine going through that without her and I'm beyond grateful that I don't have to. Kyle and our love is the greatest blessing of my life.

Also, Kyle is one of the many Earth Angels I have surrounding me like our Indonesian friend Teguh who drove us to the hospital and stayed with us past 2am when I came out of surgery and helped us translate and navigate through the health care system here in Bali. Like Kyle's family who have given financial support as we recover from this. Like my friends back in San Diego who were moving our belongings while I was in surgery because our storage situation fell apart. Like the many friends and colleagues I have all over the world who are one form of healer or another who sent prayers and blessings my way. Like all the friends who have gotten on the phone to check in on us and offer their time, love, money and other resources to get us through this.

Here is a video from my friend in Nepal who is currently studying with some of the greatest Rinpoches of our time and who was able to bring her community into prayer for me while I was in surgery.

I felt totally loved and held by so many angels, guides and ancestors as I went under and it gave me the ability to trust, surrender and fall into peace. Thank you to everyone all over the world who collaborated in bringing me this ceremony. Your prayers, blessings and love were felt and received.

I'm grateful to the miracle that my body is and it's ability to heal. I'm grateful to the miracle of Great Spirit for this opportunity to receive more clarity in my healing journey. And I'm grateful for the miracle of Love that I have been able to cultivate so much of in my life. Love, community and all the Angels who walk this Earth are things in which I am immensely grateful for everyday, especially during difficult times. Thank you all for being in this community with me, it means a lot.

Talk again real soon,


Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

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