Manifesting Purpose

Grand Day My Beautiful Family!!!

Welcome to the November edition of your letter from me:) Things have been coming along over here in the world of Bali and the manifestation of my purpose. I've been receiving more downloads on how I can serve more powerfully and more real life materialization of the vision becoming so.

Y'all have been along for much of the ride since this April when a big shift in my work started and I'm so stoked that many of you have been here since the OG days, when I decided to step into leadership, the healing arts full time and creating my own personal online brand in 2016. The past 6, almost 7 years has been a wild ride. I mean when I first created the brand Leucas Loves, I had no idea what I was doing or what direction I was heading but I knew I wanted to inspire the healing of others by sharing what I was discovering in my own healing journey.

I remember at the end of 2015, I made my first post about my gender transition and more spiritual matters on Instagram to a small community of about 300 friends and family members. I thought to myself if one person sees this post and feels less alone because of it then it's worth it. Since then, I've been refining how I'm showing up in my work and I feel that this most recent percolation is the biggest yet.

I've gone through phases of showing up as a Transgender Public Figure, an LGBTQ+ Activist, an Artist, a Queer and Trans Yoga Teacher and a Leadership Coach. What I can confidently say is that every version of myself in every point of time who showed up in these various roles was a fully integrated me at the time. Always showing up with the information and knowledge I had at the time to best serve my communities while also balancing how to support myself through it all.

I've learned much about the kind of services and support I want to be investing my time, money and energy in. I've learned a lot about the ways I can create revenue that feels supportive for me and in full integrity for my audience and clients. I've learned a lot about the kind of services and value I have to offer that feels aligned with my desires and that also align with the greatest needs and desires of my clients and students. A lot of it as you have seen has been trial and error and learning what I don't want.

At the end of the day showing up to assist in the healing, growing and transformation of others and our collective consciousness remains the highest priority and what continues to feel most alive for me.

The most remarkable refinement I have installed thus far is the discontinuation of investing in programs, marketing consultants, coaches and healers who:

  1. In their own choices and actions do not reflect back to me what I want in my own life and business
  2. Aren't practicing and teaching strategies that are in alignment with my own values and vision of healing and expansion that I see for my clients and the world

I've said no to more people and opportunities than I have said yes to but the things I have said yes to with the highest levels of discernment have been literal life changers. I wouldn't be here in Bali or stepping into my purpose in this way if it weren't for the choices I have made this past year.

So what is it that I am stepping FULLY into now?!?!?! This will take a few more emails and announcements to paint the picture more fully and clearly for you but here are some things to start.

My ultimate purpose and mission that I stand behind with full conviction:

  • My purpose is to be a bridge between communities who have a hard time dissolving the illusion of division between themselves so that I can bring more compassion, unity and ultimately more co-creation across this planet.
  • My mission is to share knowledge and practices that can help restore nervous systems, transform trauma and put an end to all inter-relational trauma.

How do I carry out this purpose and mission?

  • I create content that spreads more information and knowledge around these topics so people are more empowered in their healing and growth.
  • I develop services for one on one and group clients where I can guide them through transforming their own traumas.
  • I build communities online and in real life centered around mastering the healing arts that transform trauma and bring more Spiritual devotion into people's lives.
  • Andddd I stay steadfast in my own devotional practices and endlessly continue honing my craft within the healing arts.

I've let colonial capitalism dictate the way I show up to my work, compromise my integrity and diminish my righteousness behind my values and what I believe in for way too long. Now, integrating all of me in my work means reclaiming my power and using my own education, life experiences, sense of center and Spiritual connection to determine what integrity means for me and my work. I'm in the listening and practicing humility while also feeling into the Earth and the collective and I'm receiving the messages of what's important to invest time and energy into right now. And I'm going to use all my skills, talents, uniqueness and knowledge in ways that are of service to my mission and my purpose everyday.

The thing is, I still am all the things I've shown up as before, from the LGTBQ+ Activist to the Leadership Coach but my uniqueness must blaze my own path and create the role that's most perfect for me and that I and I alone can completely fill. I know the labels are just words and to be honest we humans are too complex for words to accurately represent us and what matters most is how we be and how we show up day in and day out. But the words/archetypes that I know can be threaded through all past and current and future roles that I have and will continue to fulfill are Healer, Mentor, Medicine Person, Teacher, Gender Expansive, Transgender, Guide, Magician, Visionary, Leader, Sage and Hero to name a few.

So what you will see here at Leucas Loves from here on out are creations (new logo;), imagery, services, content and more) that accurately reflect these archetypes and help me to carry out the purpose and mission I now clearly see and hold myself to. Thank you for choosing this ride with me and I acknowledge that every single one of you is a part of my purpose becoming manifest, I have eternal gratitude to you for that. What a blessing this human experience and the opportunity to connect into purpose is.

First things on the launch pad to roll out are:

  1. My TRANSform to Heal email series which you will be getting in the next couple days if you haven't already signed up for it. Here, I share more about the intensive healing journey I've been on this past year and how it impacted my gender identity, my relationship to my body and to testosterone and ultimately my purpose which you've now read a little about here.
  2. A FREE Trans Community Circle which I will be hosting mid December. This is a group to provide us Trans Folk with a space to deepen our healing, our connection with our bodies and expand upon our spirituality while gaining support from other like-minded trans people. I'll be sending you more details about it next week but if you already know you want in, you can read more and sign up here.

I hope you enjoy all that Leucas Loves is becoming as much as I have been enjoying creating and connecting with you all, I hope to see you soon.

All my love,


Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

Read more from Letters from Knowhere

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