New Years Resolution vs Sustainable Goal Setting

Hello Family,

Welcome to the December edition of your letter from me. It’s been a wild couple months here at Leucas Loves Season Bali!:D

First off, I wanted to let you know that I have still been healing well from my emergency appendectomy that I had last month. I’m 5 weeks post op and have been able to get back into the full swing of exercising at the gym this week. I’m as sore as you would imagine after working out for the first time in a month, I can barely lift my arms to type this right now:p I’ll be back to surfing as soon as the weather allows but there have been wild tropical storms here non-stop the past week and a half. For Christmas we experienced sideways rain and power outages on and off, what fun!

There are some really fun and exciting things coming up that I’m in the midst of creating at Leucas Loves and beyond, expect to see some new changes rolling out in January and February. And I’d like to say it has nothing to do with the New Year or any of that kind of hype. I have been behind the scenes creating these things for many months and it just so happens that they will be ready to share with you in the new year.

Speaking of New Years hype I wanted to share my opinions on New Years Resolutions and theories around goal setting that you may find helpful. If you absolutely love the concept of New Years Resolutions this writing might not vibe with you but if you’re ready for some slightly radical thoughts on it plus some tips on how you can manage your own goal setting, read on.

To me, the calendar year is not a great measure of time and I rarely set goals or create time constraints based upon it. I believe each calendar year is a time period just like any other and the holidays we have created around it like New Years and its Eve have been tainted by capitalist and consumer ideals to get us to buy more.

I’m mostly sharing this because if you feel bogged down or overwhelmed by the pressure of New Year’s resolutions or reflecting upon your past year and analyzing your performance that you’re not alone. If this style of goal setting and reflection doesn’t work for you, that is okay and there may be other methods that work better for you. Afterall, the Gregorian Calendar was put into effect by a pope only 500ish years ago to better mark Easter, create a more accurate measure of the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun and ultimately establish a global time standard that would enable more effective administration of a globalist agenda. And the American/Western New Year celebrated on Jan 1st doesn’t actually have anything to do with the Earth’s placement in space in relation to stars and other planets.

I’m not getting into an astrology lesson here, I’m just saying… if the American New Year set on Jan 1st doesn’t feel like a fresh start for you, there is a reason for that, we are still in the middle of an astrological cycle.

I’m also more about sustainable habit formation and goal setting rather than going for 0-100 out the gates and then quickly getting gassed, sputtering out into old habits, feeling down on ourselves and then throwing all those goals out the window completely.

This is why I regularly assess my goals, monitor my performance (while giving myself grace and flexibility), set new goals and strive towards the highest expression of myself. These are the foundations of practices I do monthly, weekly or even daily. I believe that finding sustainable ways to embody purpose and create real movement towards our goals is what really matters and for me, it has nothing to do with the time of the year, its an ongoing and consistent practice and consistency is key. Note: sometimes I move with moon cycles and astrological events but I think listening to the natural rhythms of our bodies and the ebb and flow of our own personal energy is the most important

There are many practices that I share with clients that really help with setting goals and achieving them and I often share what works for me with the intention of cocreating something that works for them, even if it is a totally different structure. With the hopes of inspiring some ideas in you, I will share my daily routine that really supports me in achieving my goals. As with any practice someone offers you, feel free to take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

I follow this routine to a T on days that I work and on my days off I let myself be more flexible around it.

  1. No phone nor media other than books for at least 1 hour before bed and 1 hour after waking up
  2. Tune into my body, self and Spirit for at least 15 minutes (sometimes up to two or 3 hours) shortly after waking up. I use meditation, prayer, yoga, breathwork, surfing and/or exercise with the intention of being in ceremony with myself and Spirit
  3. Recite a daily affirmation around my ability to achieve my goals, inviting Spirit and my guides in to support me with that while also visualizing and feeling into what my life may look like once goals are achieved
  4. Choose 3-6 professional or personal tasks to focus on for the day BEFORE I start work (always start with these tasks first, if they get finished in a day then I can move onto other additional tasks)
  5. Work in 60-90 min increments and take 10-15 min breaks in between (switching tasks completely when I come back from breaks). Studies have shown that working in increments and switching up tasks can increase productivity
  6. Eat nourishing foods and engage in some combination of play, rest, learning something new or creative time

As we are in this time of the year where everyone is talking about goal setting I hope that there is something here that you can turn into a sustaining practice that endures the tests of time.

I’ve been refining this routine for over 3 years now and only this year did I add in numbers 4 and 5 and let me tell you, as a solopreneur they really really work for me. I see myself using this routine for the rest of my working life unless something that works even better for me comes along. But I’m excited to SHOW rather than tell you all how well it works for me. If you haven't seen already then I'm sure you will with all the new things I’m soon to be rolling out and all future creations that have yet to even be conceived as ideas yet;)

Lately, a lot of people have been making comments on how much they are appreciating my writings, the ways I am showing up to my work these days and the services that I have been providing. I’m happy that today I could peel back the curtain a little bit and show you the things that support me in following through with these creations. My daily routine is key and its an ultimate bonus for me if sharing some behind the scenes footage with you can help you with your creations as well.

Aaaannndddd to give you a sneak peak into new things coming at Leucas Loves… you’ll be seeing even more collaboration with my life and business partner, Kyle as we are creating a virtual community space for folks to come together for deeper healing and to receive more support in discovering and following through with their purpose. This newsletter will soon be in regular collaboration with Kyle and the world her and I are forming. We really can’t wait to share what we’ve been creating with y’all but I think these are enough clues for now. More will come next month, we promise<3

I’m sending you all my love. Please let me know how my daily routine has landed with you, if it has inspired you in any way or if you already have certain routines and rituals that effectively support you in achieving your goals. I would love to hear more from you.

In Service, Leucas

P.S. Mission Infinity Stones is an email series I wrote with Kyle to shed some light on the foundations of healing trauma and some practical ways you can soothe your nervous system. It’s a great way to get a little taste for the kind of world we are building and excited to invite y’all into soon. If you haven’t read it yet, you can click here to have it automatically sent to your inbox.

Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

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