October Letter for You

Hello Dear Friends and Family,

I hope you all have been well since the last time I dropped a line. Life is a wondrous journey and I hope you have all been experiencing the same and if you haven’t that is also okay, may you stay in the practices that foster resiliency and centeredness in your Truth.

It’s been a month and half since I’ve moved to Bali!

Since being here I’ve accomplished soooo many firsts that I have been dreaming of accomplishing for what seems like forever. Moving to South East Asia being a huge one on that list! Starting my surfboard quiver here in the tropics. Learning the Indonesian language or bahasa Indonesia. Living in another country with my dear life partner Kyle. Teaching yoga for a retreat. Getting to help facilitate that same retreat and assisting in epic healing sessions with my soul family Shayoon and Alexander Mendeluk. Witnessing people and holding space for them to do the same transformative healing work I completed for myself earlier this year, the Lightforce Center’s healing modality. Completed a visa run. Created a remote client while living abroad. Took a local cooking class. Met a long term virtual client in person. Kyle and I completed the first group mentorship program we ever ran. And so much more!

The funny thing is that these firsts all feel like fairly comfortable experiences for me, like it was always meant to be so. Maybe this is what happens when we become more masterful in the art of manifestation. You become so confident in your desires already being a reality, that you can feel yourself living into them by the time they are actualized in the 3D realm. When your burning desires come into fruition it simply feels like you're coming home.

And I thank Spirit everyday for cocreating this home with me. A home where I can experience joy, safety, love and nurturance in every moment. And a home that I can take with me everywhere I go because it comes from within. A cocreation that is nothing short of magic. For all of you in my email world who are still here with me, thank you for being a part of this divine cocreation as well. I love you all.

As I shared in my last newsletter, a relocation to the other side of the world is no joke and its all been coinciding with a rebranding to more accurately reflect the most recent healing, transformation, shedding and becoming that I have experienced this year. I’m letting you all know that you can expect to see and experience some new things with me here on this email list soon that I will more formally announce as these projects become more ready. And I’m so so so stoked that a couple of things I have been diligently working on the past few months are ready now!

Since August I have been slowly but surely pouring my time and heart into a couple email sequences that are meant to inspire deeper healing and transformation in you my dear readers. Both are free and involve no sales pitches (this is a part of the rebranding I mentioned earlier, integrating more conscious and ethical sales/marketing backed by integrity, I hope y’all have been vibing with the way I have been putting it into practice so far). I share these writings so that I can be of service to my purpose of helping to transform trauma and facilitate deeper healing across this planet.

The first one I’d like to mention is my TRANSform to Heal series. This one is all about coming into deeper connection with our bodies and cultivating more devotion towards the vast intelligence and wisdom that our bodies hold, through the lens of my Transgender experience. This is an email series that is welcoming to all gender identities. If you’re ready to hear about the journey of discovery I have been on lately in regards to my body, my gender and my relationship to Hormone Affirming Therapy you can opt in here. My hope is that this series opens your heart and brings you into deeper relationship with your body and all that is possible within that.

The next one is a true love child, the Mission Infinity Stones series. This one really can give you a sneak peek into the kind of world Kyle and I are creating through our brands and all our offerings i.e. newsletters, community platforms and programs. Its a creative journey through the galaxies in which your mission is to collect Infinity Stones as you learn the foundations of Transforming Trauma and how to cultivate resiliency in your nervous system.

In the Mission Infinity Stones Series you will:

  • Learn the foundations of healing your own trauma
  • Gain practices that will drop out of your head and into your body
  • Expand your mindset while soothing your nervous system

The fate of the Universe is at stake as Planet Earth spins into a heavier density. Will you take on this mission to restore balance across our Galaxies?

Opt in here when you are ready for this mission!

If you were an early subscriber to either of these series, thank you for reading it, let me know what you thought.

Thank you family for letting me share these updates with you and to formally share with you some creations I have been spending a lot of time on. It's such an honor to be able to share these email series with you and to get to step into my purpose in this way. As always, please hit reply if you have any updates you’d like to share with me. I’d love to know what you’ve been working on as well!

All my love,


P.S. Here is a lovely philosophy talk I recently discovered from Yogananda that is great to listen to as a guided meditation or as accompaniment to your daily ritual. I’ve been listening to it during my morning teas when I want to cultivate more mindfulness as I sip and thought it’d be nice to share with you;)

Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

Read more from Letters from Knowhere

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