Trans Folx and Ceremony

Hi Fam,

Trans people need a ceremonial space to heal too.

This is what I have been thinking about for a long time as I have been going deeper down the medicine journey of new age, New Earth, spiritual community shenanigans. I think the healing modalities and spaces people are creating within affinity spaces (men and women) are super impactful and very important as consciousness is taking a drastic shift on this planet and I think its just as important that queer and trans and gender expansive people are centered in this work.

As a lot of you know I have been fielding research calls from folks in the trans community for the better part of this year now and I’ve created a Trans Community Circle as a jumping off point to address some of the needs and desires of the community when it comes to healing, personal development and spirituality.

My hope for this circle is that we can come together and be witnessed in our healing journeys and offer support and inspiration to one another and most importantly remind each other that we don’t have to go it alone and that we are all in this together.

I also hope that this circle can bring more clarity to us as a community about how we can continue to build structures that will support us in our healing and the expansion of our own spirituality and consciousness.

I’ll be there to facilitate the space as skillfully as I know how by guiding discussions and shares and also offering up mentorship and healing/somatic practices when needed.

This is a community centered around Spirit and healing. As it develops I envision creating more programs that use modern and spiritual healing techniques to free you from the burdens of your past, create a deeper connection to your body and clarify your channel to inspiration, creativity and purpose.

The first ever Trans Community Circle will be hosted on Dec 14th for US Time Zones 5PM PST/8PM EST.

This event is free, no surprise sales pitches or gimmicks, I hope to see you there.

Learn more and sign up here. Please ignore this link if this is not a good fit for you at this time.

As always, I'm so grateful to be on this ride with you.

All my love,


Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

Read more from Letters from Knowhere

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