
Letters from Knowhere

Join the Knowhere family to receive these transmissions. I send out at least one letter a month and I never send a sales pitch that you have not opted in for. See the posts below for the transmissions archive.

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February is for Power

Hi Beloved Readers, Since I last wrote to you, we have been navigating a huge relocation from Bali to Thailand. I know that many of you are pretty invested in my journey and are staying up to date on what I am up to. So I’m sure that most of you know that I moved to Bali at the end of last year to step deeper into manifesting my purpose and to work with some collaborators. So what the heck happened and why are my partner and I now in Thailand?! Without going into too much detail I will share...

Hey Family, I was going to write about the wounded masculine but I had this “altercation” while surfing this morning and it seems to be the thing that really wants to come through, plus it ties in well with everything I have experienced this past year and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I won’t name any names but I had a really shity experience with some people I tried to collaborate with professionally recently. There were heavy power differentials within our dynamics that ultimately...

Dear Reader, It has been a while since my last message, and I must confess, I fell short of my monthly commitment – the last dispatch was in March, a lapse indeed! While I'm sure your world spun on without these cosmic letters, it is essential for me to align my words with my actions. I recognize the need for growth in maintaining this correspondence, and I'm wholeheartedly recommitting to it. Let's dive in! Bali and Thailand were quite the whirlwind. I found myself navigating some of the...

Welcome Family to your January letter from me! To be in ceremony, what is that all about? According to good old Wiki, a ceremony is a unified ritualistic event with a purpose, usually consisting of a number of artistic components, performed on a special occasion. Amongst us New Agers this word ceremony is being thrown around a lot these days. I’ve been told by my peers that life is the ultimate ceremony or that certain challenging events is a ceremony or that everyday is a ceremony. This word...

Hello Family, Welcome to the December edition of your letter from me. It’s been a wild couple months here at Leucas Loves Season Bali!:D First off, I wanted to let you know that I have still been healing well from my emergency appendectomy that I had last month. I’m 5 weeks post op and have been able to get back into the full swing of exercising at the gym this week. I’m as sore as you would imagine after working out for the first time in a month, I can barely lift my arms to type this right...

Hi Fam, Trans people need a ceremonial space to heal too. This is what I have been thinking about for a long time as I have been going deeper down the medicine journey of new age, New Earth, spiritual community shenanigans. I think the healing modalities and spaces people are creating within affinity spaces (men and women) are super impactful and very important as consciousness is taking a drastic shift on this planet and I think its just as important that queer and trans and gender expansive...

Hello My Dears, As many of you know from social media, I had an emergency appendectomy last week! I wanted to start this off by letting you know that I am alive and well. The surgery went great and I will be back to my full work load here at Leucas Loves next week and back to my regular personal physical practices like surfing, working out and yoga in 3 weeks, yippeeee! I really wanted to send you something so that I didn't leave you hanging. In my last email I said I would send you my...

Grand Day My Beautiful Family!!! Welcome to the November edition of your letter from me:) Things have been coming along over here in the world of Bali and the manifestation of my purpose. I've been receiving more downloads on how I can serve more powerfully and more real life materialization of the vision becoming so. Y'all have been along for much of the ride since this April when a big shift in my work started and I'm so stoked that many of you have been here since the OG days, when I...

Hello Dear Friends and Family, I hope you all have been well since the last time I dropped a line. Life is a wondrous journey and I hope you have all been experiencing the same and if you haven’t that is also okay, may you stay in the practices that foster resiliency and centeredness in your Truth. It’s been a month and half since I’ve moved to Bali! Since being here I’ve accomplished soooo many firsts that I have been dreaming of accomplishing for what seems like forever. Moving to South...

Bali Updates Family! I have landed in my Bali, my new home. A lot of people have been asking how I'm settling in so I made a video to show you my temporary digs. I'm well taken care of;) I also took a vegan cooking classes to learn proper Balinese dishes and I'm starting my Bahasar Indonesia (Indonesian Language) studies. One of the first sentences I learned was, "I'm not Indonesian" because all the locals think I am and want to speak Indonesian with me. The past 5 Months... what it took to...